Important Update to Time Farm Miners Regarding for $SECOND Internal Transfer, And TGE

Important Update to Time Farm Miners Regarding for $SECOND Internal Transfer, And TGE

Important Update to Time Farm Miners Regarding for $SECOND Internal Transfer, TGE and Listing - Check Post Now

What Are $SECONDS For, And What Are We Trying To Achieve?

Community members often ask when $SECONDS will be listed on an exchange, and what the price will be when that happens.......CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING 

In this article, we want to explain and clarify what we are seeking to do with TimeFarm: Our plans for the project, and what the role of $SECONDS will be within that. Ultimately, this is far more exciting than exchange listings alone, and we’re hugely grateful to all our community members who are helping make our vision a reality.

Our Vision For TimeFarm

TimeFarm is a platform for online work. Our mission is to connect employers and workers efficiently, no matter where they are in the world, so that anyone can get paid for completing tasks, instantly and frictionlessly.

The starting point for that is micro-tasks: fast, easy jobs that may take only a few seconds to finish, but that are nevertheless valuable to employers – especially when a large volume of users complete them. (Think of the impact of a million shares on a social media post.)

In due course, we’ll be expanding that to many other areas of work and related services. We’ll have AI tools, escrow facilities, continuous streaming payments, and much, much more – all kinds of innovations that make hiring, working and payments easier and more secure. And this is where $SECONDS play such an important role.

$SECONDS: TimeFarm’s Cash

In this new ecosystem for online work, $SECONDS will be the native payment currency. Employers will pay anyone who completes their tasks in $SECONDS, and advertisers will pay in $SECONDS to display their adverts to the community. (We’re already encouraged by the significant demand we have seen among advertisers for this service, proving that we’re on the right track.) Users will be able to sell the $SECONDS they receive from employers to advertisers, in return for other currencies, so it will always be possible to convert $SECONDS into another cryptocurrency or your native currency, if you prefer.

But that’s not the only way that $SECONDS will be given value. As well as being able to sell $SECONDS to advertisers, you will be able to use them to hire users and pay for tasks yourself. For example, you can boost your own social networks posts, or use what you’ve earned to create value for your own business in a range of different ways.


During the initial phase of TimeFarm, we are bootstrapping the ecosystem by distributing $SECONDS as rewards for farming.

You can think of farming as being a bit like Bitcoin mining. The aim is to distribute $SECONDS fairly to a large number of users, so we have an active and thriving community.

In order to mine Bitcoin, you need special hardware, and it costs electricity. To earn $SECONDS, you need to engage with TimeFarm at regular intervals – turning over the hourglass in the app to show you’re active – as well as completing simple tasks.

At a certain point in the future, this bootstrap phase will be complete. Farming of $SECONDS will come to an end. At this stage, no new $SECONDS will enter circulation. The only $SECONDS available within the ecosystem will be the ones that have already been farmed, and that are held by users and TimeFarm stakeholders. The total supply of $SECONDS will be fixed.

At this point, although users will no longer be able to farm $SECONDS, they will always be able to buy them, or earn them from other users and ecosystem members as and when they are offered in payment for different tasks.

This brings us to the question that so many of our community have asked. What will the price of $SECONDS be?

$SECONDS Price: Supply And Demand
The short answer to that question is: We don’t know!

We do not control the price of $SECONDS and cannot guarantee anything. Just like bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, and indeed gold and other assets like stocks, the price is set solely by the market. In other words, it’s all about supply and demand. If there are more buyers than sellers, the price will go up. If there are more sellers, it will go down. The TimeFarm team cannot intervene in the market, and we cannot set (or even predict) minimum or maximum prices.

Our Guarantee

What we can promise is that we are in this for the long term. Right from the beginning, we have been working hard to build a powerful, vibrant ecosystem of work and employment. While we can’t tell you what $SECONDS will be worth, we can guarantee that they will always be at the heart of the TimeFarm ecosystem – and if the ecosystem succeeds, then the value of $SECONDS will reflect that.

We have intentionally designed TimeFarm not just to share that success with you, but to enable you to actively contribute to it and help bring it about. This is the true power of Web3 apps like TimeFarm. Rather than relying on a single company, with a handful of people in charge, they leverage communities of millions of users, giving them the incentives to help increase value for everyone. We, just like you, plan to do everything in our power to maximize the success of TimeFarm.

With that aim in mind, all of the funds raised from the sale of auto-farming bots and boosters go exclusively to the development and marketing of TimeFarm, helping to broaden the reach of the platform, grow our community, and increase our chances of global success.

We hope this helps explain what we are seeking to do with TimeFarm, and how all of our community members have an important role to play helping our ecosystem succeed – growing the value of $SECONDS in the process!

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