Police Recruitment: Print Your Police Medical Screening Slip and Specialist Interview Slip
Tuesday, 9 April 2024
In the process of applying for positions within the Nigeria Police Force, candidates must undergo various screening procedures, including medical assessments and specialist interviews. It's essential for candidates to understand how to print their medical screening slip and specialist interview slip. This guide offers a step-by-step overview to assist with this crucial task.
To print your medical screening slip, follow these steps:
1. Go to the https://apply.policerecruitment.gov.ng/medical-print-slip designated for police recruitment or the portal specified by the Police Service Commission.
2. Use your login credentials to access your account.
3. Navigate to the section dedicated to medical screening or downloading important documents.
4. Input the necessary details, such as your National Identification Number (NIN) or application reference number.
5. Generate your medical screening slip and proceed to print it directly from the website.
Similarly, to print your specialist interview slip, follow these steps:
1. Visit the https://apply.policerecruitment.gov.ng/print-speciality-slip designated for specialist interviews.
2. Log in to your account.
3. Navigate to the section dedicated to specialist interviews or document downloads.
4. Provide the required information, such as your application reference number.
5. Generate your specialist interview slip and print it directly from the website.
Printing these slips is a crucial step in the recruitment process for the Nigeria Police Force. By following the outlined steps and ensuring accuracy in providing required information, candidates can effectively prepare themselves for these essential assessments. Timely preparation and attention to detail contribute to a smooth and seamless experience throughout the recruitment journey.
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