House of Representatives Begins Investigation into Use of Corona Grant Money

House of Representatives Begins Investigation into Use of Corona Grant Money

House of Representatives Begins Investigation into Use of Corona Grant Money

The House of Representatives has begun an investigation into how more than 100 billion naira in Corona grant money was spent. The House has given the Accountant-General of the country until Friday to present a full explanation of how the money was spent. CONTINUE READING….

Deputy Chairman of the Media and Public Awareness Committee of the House of Representatives, Hon. Salisu Yusuf Majigiri, told the BBC that the Parliament has tried to get this information from the Accountant-General's office, but has not been successful.

Majigiri said, "There are billions of money that are considered to have been spent in this period, and the use of the money is to support the lives of people who have entered into a situation in this period of 2020 to 2022."

He explained that the Parliament is requiring this information from the Accountant-General because he is the one who is aware of the accounting of everything related to the national wealth. The Parliament wants to know "oil comes in, oil goes out, and when he left where did he go?"

The committee is alleging that the funds of the corona support were diverted in ministries and government agencies,which has aggravated the problem faced by the people of Nigeria during the epidemic.

The committee has already asked for all the information and documents of how the money was spent to be presented to it by Friday, and has vowed to take disciplinary action if the deadline is not met.

Why is this important?

It is important to investigate how the Corona grant money was spent because it is public money that is meant to help the people of Nigeria during a difficult time. If the money was misused, then it is a betrayal of the public trust and those who need the help most.

What can we expect from the investigation?

The House of Representatives committee will investigate how the money was spent and whether or not there was any misuse of funds. If they find that there was misuse of funds, they will recommend that the appropriate disciplinary action be taken.

What can we do to help?

We can help by staying informed about the investigation and holding the government accountable. We can also contact our elected representatives and demand that they take action to ensure that the people of Nigeria get the help they need.

SOURCE: https://www.bbc.com/hausa

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