Call For Application,Apply For Nigerian Oil And Gas Industry And Get A Training with Good Allowances,BSC,HND,NCE,OND,SSCE are eligible To Apply

Call For Application,Apply For Nigerian Oil And Gas Industry And Get A Training with Good Allowances,BSC,HND,NCE,OND,SSCE are eligible To Apply

Call For Application,Apply For Nigerian Oil And Gas Industry And Get A Training with Good Allowances,BSC,HND,NCE,OND,SSCE are eligible To Apply

To access the NOGIC JQS portal, you must first signup to the portal and after successful creation of your portal user account, You MUST update your profile information. This would ensure that your exact profile information is available at NCDMB for full evaluation and proper considerations. The following steps enumerate how you can easily do this:           

                 STEP 1:

Click on the "Account" button and select "Create an Individual Account" to create your personal profile account on the NOGIC JQS system.

(Please endeavor to enter all required fields in the form. These include your surname, first name, date of birth, email address, mobile-phone number, username and password).       

                 STEP 2:

After you successfully fill the form for portal account creation, click on the "Sign up" button to initiate portal account creation              

                 STEP 3:

Upon Successful account creation, a welcome email message is sent to your mail box. Activate your account and login using your username (email) and portal password.    

                 STEP 4:

Upon Successful Login, Update your Profile across the following:

• Basic Data

• Educational Qualification

• Industry Certification

• Job Experience

• Skill

• Industry Training

 Click here to apply👇👇

(Ensure that you upload copies of all claimed certificates).           

 NB: You can always update your profile to reflect necessary changes or new sets of information 

To create your individual Account Click Here

To create your Service Company profile on the NOGIC JQS portal, send the following listed requirements to support@nogicjqs.com for account creation.

- Letter of intent (Covering Letter)
CAC information (CAC certificate, Form CO2 and CO7)

-DPR Registration Certificate
Name of company

-Default company email address for system administrator account eg. Info@company.com

NCDMB administrator creates the service company profile. An email notification would be sent to the default email address containing the login information (username and password). If you have not received your user name and password combination, contact the NCDMB system administrator. If you do not provide the correct user name and password, you won't be allowed to access to the system.

After Successful creation of your portal user account as a service company on the NOGIC JQS Platform, you must update your company profile information. This will ensure that your exact profile information is available to NCDMB for full evaluation and proper considerations for opportunities in the Oil and Gas Industry.

Step 1: Login using your username (default email address) and portal password.

Step 2: Upon successful login, update your company basic profile and upload the logo of your company.

Step 3: Update your company capacity profile information across the following dimensions;

- Company Ownership Structure/Document

- Quality Assurance

- Services

- Subsidiary/Affiliate

- Equipment Capacity

- Facilities


- Raw Material Capacity

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