Important Update Regarding NPC Birth Registration Adhoc Staff: What you need to know.

Important Update Regarding NPC Birth Registration Adhoc Staff: What you need to know.

Attention Ad-Hoc Birth Registration Staff: Do Not Pay for an ID Card

The National Population Commission (NPC) has warned the public against a scam involving the payment of N1,500 for an ID card for ad-hoc birth registration staff. The NPC has said that it does not require ad-hoc staff to pay for an ID card, and that any website or organization that is asking for payment is a scam.

The scam typically involves a website that appears to be from the NPC. The website will ask potential applicants to pay N1,500 for an ID card. Once the payment is made, the website will then disappear and the applicant will not receive an ID card.

The NPC has said that it will never ask for payment for an ID card. The NPC will only issue ID cards to ad-hoc staff after they have been properly vetted and selected.

If you have been asked to pay for an ID card for the NPC birth registration adhoc, do not do it. It is a scam. The NPC will never ask for payment for an ID card.

How to Protect Yourself from This Scam

There are a few things you can do to protect yourself from this scam:

  • Only apply for birth registration jobs through official NPC channels.
  • Do not pay any money to anyone who claims to be from the NPC.
  • Be wary of any website that asks for payment for an ID card.
  • If you have any doubts about a birth registration job or website, contact the NPC directly.

Stay safe, and do not pay for an ID card for the NPC birth registration adhoc.

I hope this helps!

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3 Responses to "Important Update Regarding NPC Birth Registration Adhoc Staff: What you need to know. "

  1. I just paid 1500

  2. Very helpful, cos I just received the message 😢

  3. A great number of people had already paid for the ID card included myself I just paid #1500 to the scammers account number


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