Available Job Vacancies At United Nations Development Program (UNDP) In Nigeria PHD,BSC,HND,and NCE are Eligible To Apply

Available Job Vacancies At United Nations Development Program (UNDP) In Nigeria PHD,BSC,HND,and NCE are Eligible To Apply

 Available Job Vacancies At United Nations Development Program (UNDP) In Nigeria PHD,BSC,HND,and NCE are Eligible To Apply

UNDP has been in Nigeria since the country became independent in 1960 providing capacity building and policy development support to the Federal Government of Nigeria in areas of Governance & Peace Building, Inclusive growth and Sustainable Development. 

UNDP continues to support, the government in the preparation of the second National Implementation Plan of the National Vision 20:2020. UNDP works in partnership with the Federal Government of Nigeria, development partners, UN agencies, civil society and local communities to help identify local solutions to meet national development challenges through a range of interventions that combine UNDP’s expertise and comparative advantage in the areas of Governance & Peace Building, Inclusive growth and Sustainable Development.

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Job Type: Full Time

Qualification: BA/BSc/HND

Location: Not specified

Job Field: Media / Advertising / Branding 

Duties and Responsibilities

Functions and key results expected

The Consultant will undertake the following tasks for the AfDB – UN Women Programme “Women Economic Empowerment through Affirmative Procurement in West Africa” being implemented in Nigeria.

Conduct the light writing and editing of the following draft report.

Gender Responsive Public Procurement Review and Assessment of Procurement Laws, Policies, and Regulations in Federal, Lagos, and Kaduna States and Gender Audit of Institutions and Practices of Lagos and Kaduna States.

Gender-Responsive Strategy Costed Action Plan to Mainstream Gender into Public Procurement Laws, Policies, And Practices.

Policy Briefs on Affirmative Procurement Reforms In Nigeria: Status, Gaps, and Opportunities

A Gender Responsive Assessment, Review, and Audit of Procurement Laws, Policies, Regulations, and Institutions in Kaduna State, Nigeria.

Gender Responsive Assessment: Advocacy Message for Affirmative Procurement

Draft Baseline Survey/Data Gathering on Affirmative Procurement for Women-Owned/Led Businesses in Lagos State

Edit the reports to ensure that proper English grammar is used and the information in the draft reports is coherent


Final proofread and edited reports on 

Gender Responsive Public Procurement Review and Assessment of Procurement Laws, Policies, and Regulations in Federal, Lagos, and Kaduna States and Gender Audit of Institutions and Practices of Lagos and Kaduna States.

Gender-Responsive Strategy Costed Action Plan to Mainstream Gender into Public Procurement Laws, Policies, And Practices.

Policy Briefs on Affirmative Procurement Reforms in Nigeria: Status, Gaps, and Opportunities

 A Gender Responsive Assessment, Review, and Audit of Procurement Laws, Policies, Regulations, and Institutions in Kaduna State, Nigeria.

Gender Responsive Assessment: Advocacy Message for Affirmative Procurement

Draft Baseline Survey/Data Gathering on Affirmative Procurement for Women-Owned/Led Businesses in Lagos State

  Inputs UNWomen will provide the Consultant with background materials and other guidance relevant to the assignment.

  • Nigeria.
  • Gender Responsive Assessment: Advocacy Message for Affirmative Procurement
  • Draft Baseline Survey/Data Gathering on Affirmative Procurement for Women-Owned/Led Businesses in Lagos State
  • Inputs
  • UN Women will provide the Consultant with background materials and other guidance relevant to the assignment.

Performance evaluation:

  • Consultant’s performance will be evaluated based on timeliness, responsibility, initiative, communication, accuracy, and quality of the products delivered.
  • Upon receipt of the deliverables and prior to the payment, the deliverables and related reports and documents will be reviewed and approved by UN Women. The period of review is one week after receipt.


Core Values:

  • Respect for Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism

Core Competencies:

  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
  • Accountability
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Effective Communication
  • Inclusive Collaboration
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Leading by Example

Functional Competencies

  • Excellent editing & writing skills.
  • Good understanding of gender equality, women’s economic empowerment, procurement and development issues in Nigeria.
  • Displays culture, gender, religion, race, nationality, and age sensitivity and adaptability.
  • Highest standards of integrity, discretion, and loyalty.
  • Ability to create, edit and present information in clear and presentable formats.
  • Ability to manage data, documents, correspondence, and reports information and workflow.
  • Strong IT skills.

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