Today, June 10, 2023, is The Latest News Regarding The Payment of NPower's Outstanding  Stipends

Today, June 10, 2023, is The Latest News Regarding The Payment of NPower's Outstanding Stipends

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We address the concerns of Batch C1 and C2 Npower beneficiaries regarding unpaid stipend payments in today's Latest Npower News. 

We comprehend the significance of opportune allowance installments for the recipients and need to give clearness regarding this situation.

The Public Social Venture The board Framework (NASIMS) is effectively attempting to determine these issues and guarantee that all extraordinary payments are cleared.

1. Batch C1 December Stipend 

To be clear, beneficiaries of Batch C1 Npower will not receive a stipend in December. Beneficiaries have been instructed to cease attending their places of primary assignment now that the Batch C1 Npower Program has ended.

At present, the remarkable payments being paid to Batch C1 Npower recipients are for September, October, and November 2022. It's vital to take note of that this installment doesn't demonstrate an expansion of the Batch C1 Program. 

The Minister shows his generosity by giving the Batch C1 Npower beneficiaries a stipend for three months as a gesture of goodwill.

Please be aware that beneficiaries of Batch C1 Npower will receive  additional stipend payments for the months of September, October, and November.

2. Npower Batch C2 January to May Stipend 

January to May Allowance Installments for batch C2

Many Group C Stream 2 recipients are contemplating whether the installment of January, February, March , April, and May allowances has started. The response is no.

The installment of the January to May allowances will begin after the finish of the accumulation installments for Batch  C2 October, November, and December 2022. It is vital for clear the overabundances to guarantee a uniform installment process for all Group C Stream 2 recipients.

Please be aware that any reports claiming that the stipends for January through May have begun to be paid are false. Once all of the backlog payments have been made, the payment will be made.

Source Golden News

5 Responses to "Today, June 10, 2023, is The Latest News Regarding The Payment of NPower's Outstanding Stipends"

  1. Our colleagues of batch A and B, lasted for 2 to 4 years during their program. Why only batch C1 will last for just a year...??

    We are graduates, we deserved a permanent and pensionable offer not an ordinary program, which its system of payment is not proper. So that, there's a need of consideration of the continuation of the batch C1 program. Do something, tangible.

  2. How long would it take for us to get paid? Is it until we all die before we get our stipends? Npower has been on ground now for a reasonable time enough to get acquainted with the system than giving excuses of technical glitches...

  3. What about C1 that have not received September, October and November. Are they not going to be paid ?

  4. Harunamaryam97@gmail. Com


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