Shortage of Men hits the World As world statistics shows read the statistics

Shortage of Men hits the World As world statistics shows read the statistics


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Less than 50% of working-age women are in the labour market, a figure that has barely changed over the last quarter of a century, according to a new UN report launched today. Unpaid domestic and care work falls disproportionately on women, restraining their economic potential as the COVID-19 pandemic additionally affects women’s jobs and livelihoods, the report warns.

*Shortage of Men hits the World*

  UN publishes 1st quarter Demography Report 2023.

    There are 7.8 billion people on the planet . (earth). 

The report shows:

Women = 5.6Billion,

Men = 2.2 billion.

   So, they advised women to be careful in showing attitudes to any man because out of the 2.2 billion men:

• One billion are married already.

• 130 million are in prison.

• 70 million are mentally ill.

That means that we have just about 1 billion men available for marriage and out of the


• 50% are jobless

• 3% are gay

• 5% are Catholic priests

• 10% are your relatives

• 32% are above 66 years.

So, ladies, both the married and singles should handle men with respect because there's *Man shortage all over the world

Women’s participation in education on the rise worldwide

The world has made substantial progress in achieving universal primary education, with girls and boys participating equally in primary education in most regions. While school closures related to COVID-19 are likely to set back progress on access to education, evidence shows that girls, once they have access to schooling, tend to do better than boys in terms of academic achievement. In tertiary education, women outnumber men, and enrolment is increasing faster for women than for men.

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