NPC adhoc staff salary and allowance: How much does NPC pay adhoc statt?
NPC Adhoc Staff Salary for a Field Coordinator is N140,000 - N280,000 3 : Quality Assurance Assistants / Rovers The Quality Assurance Assistants or Rovers are to assist the field coordinators by moving from one EA to the other to ensure fieldwork is carried out smoothly .
He is mobile and covers five SAS . Duties of Quality Assurance Assistants / Rovers in Census
i . Reporting all the technical problems to the field coordinator .
ii . For all flagged within his assigned boundary , he does ground truthing . iii . He ensures that real - time correction is affected .
iv . Renders assistance to the enumerators when they are having issues with the PDA ( i.e. give ICT support ) .
4. Field Supervisor A Field Supervisor is the team lead of between three and six pairs of Enumerators . S / he works closely with the Field Coordinator . Duties of a Supervisor in Census
i . Handles all difficulties the enumerators might report to him / her , including non - contacts and refusals
ii . Checks that enumerators have visited all dwellings in the Enumeration Areas ( EAs ) assigned to their team .
iii . Establishes good working relationships with military , civil , village head and other authorities to ensure that work goes smoothly iv . Carries out monitoring visits in each EA and makes a daily report to the Field Coordinator on the progress of the census work . v . Ensure as much as possible the security of enumerators working under him / her .
vi . Clears the enumerators after completion of their task . vii . A Field Supervisor should vave survey field experience , have managerial skills and speak the language of the local community .
NPC Adhoc Staff Salary for a Supervisor is N130,000 - N230,000 5. Enumerators Enumerators are key to the census process and as such are the front - line soldiers in the entire census army . Duties of an Enumerator in Census
i . To interact with the public and obtain census data .
ii . To interview all households and individuals in the EAs assigned , using the appropriate forms / questionnaire in the Electronic Data Collection Device and complete the record of work .
iii . Responsible to , and report back to his / her Field Supervisor daily . iv . Receive instructions and feedback if any , from the Data Quality Manager through Data Quality Assistant in the LGA .
v . Refers to the DQM and DQA for support on PDA issues for troubleshooting if the issue cannot be handled by the supervisor or field coordinator .
vi . An Enumerator should be able to speak the language of the local community and should have basic Literacy in Mathematics .
NPC Adhoc Staff Salary for an Enumerator is N100,000 - N220,000 6. Monitoring & Evaluation Officers Monitoring and Evaluation ( M & E ) is an essential component of census activities .
Training , deployment of field materials and equipment , field operations during building numbering & household listing and persons ' enumeration will be monitored .
Duties of Monitoring & Evaluation Officers in Census
i . Monitoring and Evaluation ( M & E ) Officers will play an important role in ensuring that set targets are met at every level of the Census process . He / She will monitor and evaluate the implementation of all planned activities .
ii . His / Her Duties demand the following essential skills : a . Must have at least a BSc / HND b . Must have at least five years ' experience in surveys and census activities with at least two years ' experience in the most recent surveys ( NURHI , NDHS , VASA , NEDS , NMIS , etc. ) c . Must have at least three years ' experience in data collection
d . Good presentation skills e . Proficiency in Microsoft Office ( Word , Excel , Power Point )
f . Basic understanding and use of data collection applications ( CSEntry , Census PAD , EAD PAD , Survey Solution , ODK , etc. )
g . Basic understanding and use of statistical analysis applications ( Stata , SPSS etc. )
h . Demonstrated ability to train and build capacity of others i . Sampling and questionnaire design ability j . Good report writing skills NPC Adhoc Staff Salary for a Monitoring & Evaluation Officers is N150,000 - N300,000 Summarily ,
we hope that the above NPC Adhoc Staff Salary will guide the Adhoc Staff Applicants in making decision , and would enable the Adhoc Staff put in the best of their efforts , so as to recieve expected remunerations .
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