In Today's NYIF Loan Disbursement 2022 News Update, we wish to clear some misconception about the Disbursement of the NYIF Loan which has continued in the past few days.
In Today's NYIF Loan Disbursement 2022 News Update, we wish to clear some misconception about the Disbursement of the NYIF Loan which has continued in the past few days.
Some applicants recieved text messages from LAPO Microfinance Bank, notifying them that their NYIF Loans were approved, instructing them through the text message to contact the stated Phone Number on the message.It was doubted by many who recieved such text message and dismissed as Scam.
Based our enquiry, the Text messages such as published below from LAPO Microfinance Bank is genuine and not a Scam.
Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports Development recently partnered the NPF Microfinance Bank in the disbursement of the NYIF Loan in 2022, it is also partnering the LAPO Microfinance Bank in the disbursement of the NYIF Loan.
Currently, three Microfinance Banks are disbursing the NYIF Loan in 2022 as follow: Nirsal Microfinance Bank, NPF Microfinance Bank and LAPO Microfinance Bank.
All applicants of the Nigeria Youth Investment Fund who recieved the text message from LAPO Microfinance Bank are advised to note the following and take appropriate action:
(1) Call the Phone number on the Text message (SMS)
(2) Go to the nearest genuine LAPO MFB Branch with 2 Passports and a Valid means of Identification.
Applicants of the Nigeria Youth Investment Fund should note that the Disbursing Banks as mentioned above do not Shortlist Applicants or Approve the NYIF Loan, rather, Shortlisting and Approval is done by the the Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports Development which is in charge of the implimentation of N75 Billion Nigeria Youth Investment Fund.
The Ministry had last week announced that it is set to disburse Loans to over 25,000 youths in a new round of the NYIF Loan disbursement.
"The Nigerian Youth Investment Fund(NYIF) will be disbursed to the beneficiaries within a range of N250,000 (Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira) to N3m(Three Million Naira) depending on the scale of the business and its evaluation", FMYSD.
A cikin Rarraba asusun saka jarin matasan najeriya NYIF na Yau Sabunta Labaran 2022, muna fatan share wasu kuskure game da Bayar da rancen NYIF wanda ya ci gaba a cikin 'yan kwanakin da suka gabata.
Wasu masu neman takardar sun samu sakon tes daga bankin LAPO Microfinance Bank, inda suka sanar da su cewa an amince da rance su na NYIF, inda aka umurce su ta hanyar sakon tes da su tuntubi lambar wayar da aka bayyana akan sakon.
Ma’aikatar Matasa da Cigaban Wasanni ta Tarayya kwanan nan ta hada hannu da Bankin Microfinance na NPF wajen bayar da rancen NYIF a shekarar 2022, haka kuma tana hada hannu da Bankin Microfinance na LAPO wajen bayar da rancen NYIF.
A halin yanzu, Bankunan Microfinance guda uku suna ba da ranceb NYIF a 2022 kamar haka: Bankin Microfinance Bank, NPF Microfinance Bank da LAPO Microfinance Bank.
Ana shawartar duk masu neman asusun zuba jari na matasan Najeriya da suka sami sakon tes daga bankin Microfinance na LAPO da su lura da wadannan kuma su dauki matakin da ya dace:
(1) Kira lambar waya akan saƙon rubutu (SMS)
(2) Jeka reshen LAPO MFB na gaskiya mafi kusa da Fasfo 2 da Ingantacciyar hanyar Ganewa.
Masu neman Asusun Zuba Jari na Matasa na Najeriya su lura cewa Bankunan da ke Rabawa kamar yadda aka ambata a sama ba su da jerin sunayen masu buƙatu ko Amincewa da rancen NYIF, a maimakon haka, zaɓen da Amincewa ta Ma’aikatar Matasa da Cigaban Wasanni ta Tarayya ce mai kula da aiwatar da ayyukan. na Naira Biliyan 75 na Asusun Zuba Jari na Matasan Najeriya.
Ma’aikatar ta sanar a makon da ya gabata cewa za ta raba rance ga sama da matasa 25,000 a wani sabon zagaye na raba rancen NYIF.
"Za a raba kudaden jarin matasa na Najeriya (NYIF) ga wadanda suka ci gajiyar kudi tsakanin N250,000 (Naira Dubu Dari Biyu da Hamsin) zuwa N3m (Naira Miliyan Uku) gwargwadon girman kasuwancin da kuma kimarsa", FMYSD ya bayyana.
©Ahmed El-rufai Idris
Kaduna State Coordinator Zumunta Youth Awareness Forum
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