Shafin Abude Yake: Yadda zakuyi Rijister Bautar Kasa (NYSC) Ta Internet Bacth C
NYSC latest news update today, we will be sharing tips on how to register for the 2021 batch C online Registration Ongoing.
1. NYSC Registration Portal opens today till 11:59pm 10th of October 2021 , visit (https://portal.nysc.org.ng/nysc1/) and click on the active link “Mobilization 2021 Batch “C”.
2. If you are registering for the first time, click on Fresh Registration link.
If you were deployed previously and did not report to the Oreintation Camp, click on Revalidation link to revalidate.
3. If you have registered previously and did not complete your Registration, click “Login Here” to continue your registration with your Username and Password.
4. Do not thumbprint by proxy.
5. Upload a clear passport photograph. Do not upload passport photograph putting on NYSC crested vest. Passport Photograph cannot be changed after Camp Registration.
6. PCMs who have Name Correction request ( Addition or Removal of Name) to be processed by the Institution, should apply on their dashboard as well as spelling errors and rearrangement.
7. Date of Birth, Date of Graduation and Course of Study will be on Certificate of National Service and Exemption Certificate.
Ensure your details are correct.
8. Apply for Date of Birth Correction on your dashboard. Note that you cannot correct your Date of Birth after Camp Registration.
9. The portal is also open for Foreign trained graduates and part-time graduates.
PCMs are advised to preview records entered before submission to avoid errors.
10. Join NYSC telegram http://t.me/official_nysc
This is the latest nysc update October 2021………
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