Check What Aisha Yesufu Said About Southern Governors That Sparked

Check What Aisha Yesufu Said About Southern Governors That Sparked Reactions

Reactions have trailed the comment made by Aisha Yesufu about the South-East Governors. According to her, the Governors in the South-East are even worst than their counterpart in the South-South.

She made it known that her previous belief was that the Governors in South-South are worst but unfortunately, those in the South East have taken over the position from them.

She said "I once said that South South Governors are the worst but I think South East Governors have taken over from them".

"How do you watch your people being humiliated and insulted and threatened and you do nothing?".

People have reacted to this statement made by Aisha Yesufu regarding those governing the South East states.

Motilade said "One invisible man outside the country is governing it for them. It's a big shame to the governors of the south-east that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu can be more influential more than them, and they feel fulfilled".

Prince of Abuja said "You mean the South East appointees? They’ve sold their soul to the devil. They will never understand loyalty from stupidity!! No one is saying anything as it get worse".

Union Table said "I said the violence by so-called unknown gunmen was a stage-managed operation to give government the excuse to unleash terror on the South. This tweet proves my point".

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