"Beauty without brains " people react after a girl posted her picture
and wrote this

"Beauty without brains " people react after a girl posted her picture and wrote this

There ae a lot of beautiful people in the world. But looks can mean absolutely nothing when you don't know what to say.

The saying "Beauty without brains" started after people notices how seemingly beautiful people could say or do some absurd things that leave a lot of people surprised.

A young beautiful girl became a victim of circumstances after she posted something on twitter.

From the way her post was structured it seemed like she just wanted people to see her beautiful body on the picture rather than read what she has written but then people started to pay attention to what she had wrote and it was not making any sense at all.

She posted a picture while standing in from of watermelons and she wrote " Very expensive pumpkins" The price tag of the watermelons was visible in the photo.

A lot of people therefore started calling her out for the fact that she did not know the difference between a pumpkin and a watermelon.

Her post immediately turned against her when people started assuming that maybe she was another beauty without brains.

He intention of showing people her beautiful body wad immediately ignored. She could have just made an honest mistake for all we know or she actually did not know the difference between a water melon and a pumpkin.

people should avoid posting unverified facts because it may just lead to embarrassing yourself. Platforms like Facebook and twitter have a lot of people who spend much time on them so it is easy for them to notice any mistake made.

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