Babajide Speaks On Reports That 2 People Jumped Out Of Atthairu's Plane
Before It Crashed

Babajide Speaks On Reports That 2 People Jumped Out Of Atthairu's Plane Before It Crashed

On Monday's edition of Journalist Hangout program, Babajide Kolade Otitoju reacted to Eyewitness reports that two people jumped out of Atthairu's plane before it crashed.

Babajide said "It was very ridiculous, that particular footage was of 2018, in 2018 when the AirForce was rehearsing for the October 1 celebration. There was this accident and two of the pilots ejected to safety.

Now this aircraft is not a fighter jet, it is a passenger aircraft, fighter jets are the only aircraft designed to eject the occupants and fighter jets are built to take a maximum of two persons, that is the pilot or co-pilot. Infact, many fighter jets are designed to take just one pilot.

So that kind of aircraft in which we were told that the two persons ejected, is not designed for ejection, no passenger plane is so designed. It's only fighter jets that are designed for ejection in case of clear and present danger. So it makes no sense to say that the jet carrying the Chief Of Army Staff, some people ejected from it.

That aircraft doesn't have that capacity and clearly people just took the video from 2018, and played it and made it look like a recent one to sustain the funny argument that, the Chief of Army Staff was murdered that some people planted a bomb in it, and then decided to eject before the bomb exploded. It's a very ridiculous way of manipulating people through the social media".

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