Babbar Magana: Babu wanda ke da lafiya a duniya har sai an yiwa kowa rigakafin - SGF Boss Mustapha
Sakataren gwamnatin tarayya (SGF), Boss Mustapha ya ce a duk duniya babu wanda ya sami lafiya har sai kowa ya samu maganin rigakafin na Coronavirus.
Da yake magana yayin taron wayar da kai tare da shugabannin kungiyar Kiristocin Najeriya (CAN) a Abuja a ranar Litinin 1 ga Fabrairu, SGF wanda shi ne shugaban kwamitin aiki na shugaban kasa kan COVID-19 ya yi kira ga shugabannin addinai da su tashi tsaye don ilimantar da mabiyansu game da annobar.
Mustapha wanda ya yi ikirarin cewa kowane Kirista ya zama mai ba da shawara ga allurar rigakafi, ya kuma lura cewa kamuwa da cutar a duniya ya wuce miliyan dari yayin da wadanda suka mutu suka tsallake miliyan biyu.
Ya ce;
“The COVID-19 pandemic is the most significant global public health emergency of our generation.
“Humanity has been under the siege of this virus since 30th of January, 2020 (exactly one year ago) when the WHO declared it as such. It has taken lives, consumed trillions of dollars and other resources without abating. Today, the global infections have exceeded one hundred million while fatalities have also crossed the two million mark.
“As a nation, our national response has been very robust with significant positive results because we deployed non-pharmaceutical interventions, testing, detection and treatment as a strategy. For risk communication, the PTF mounted its outreach using several channels including the faith based organisations such as the CAN.
“Unfortunately, Nigeria, like the rest of the world, is now experiencing a more virulent second wave which has increased the number of COVID-19 related deaths from 1173 on November 29 2020 to 1,578 on January 31, 2021. An increase of 34%. The number of infections have (sic) also grown tremendously.
“The arrival of vaccines has however given hope to humanity that a solution had been found. This does not however mean that the NPIs would be discarded. Going forward it shall be NPIs + vaccines for everyone to completely get over the pandemic.
“I wish to make it abundantly clear that nobody is safe around the world until everyone is vaccinated. That is why we are now gathered here today, to sensitise you and seek your inputs on the strategy to be jointly adopted and the role you will play in carrying the message on vaccines to all adherents of the Christian faith.
“As we interact over all these issues and challenges today, I urge us to be frank, innovative and adopt common objectives of collaboration and determination to overcome the pandemic by reaching out to all adherents of our faith on the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines. Every Christian should be an advocate for the vaccines.”
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