Do You Have Account With UBA and GT Bank? If Yes, Then Note This Vital Information

Do You Have Account With UBA and GT Bank? If Yes, Then Note This Vital Information

Banks are financial institutions that deals with financial and monetary transactions like deposits, savings, giving out loans, investments and currency exchange. 

In Nigeria, we have different kinds of financial institutions.

But today, our major concern and focus is on two of the financial institutions we have in Nigeria which are UbA and GT Banks.

After the relaxation of the past lockdown we had in Nigeria, there has been a very long queue at all the banks we have in Nigeria all over the country.

However, this article is only to educate customers of these two financial institutions in this article.

I discovered that most people are found of just calling these banks with their short names without been bother to know what it really means.

UBA - The full meaning of UBA is United Bank for Africa. Therefore when calling this bank there is no need of adding bank at the end, like "UBA Bank" it is wrong because bank is already included in the name.

GTB - The same thing also applies to the customer if GTB. GTB means Guaranty Trust Bank, so while calling it's name, there is no need of adding the bank because the "B" at the end of the name already stands for bank.

I hope you have learnt from this article and please share for others to also learn. 

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