Ku shirya kwace mulki nan da 2023, kar ku yadda wani ya gaya muku wai karfinku be kai ba>>Peterside ya gayawa Matasa
Wani shahararren dan kasuwa, Atedo Peterside ya baiwa matasa ‘yan Najeriya shawarar cewa ya kamata su fara shirin kwace mulkin kasarnan daga hannun tsaffin hannu a shekarar 2023.
Ya bayyana hakane a wata hira da aka yi dashi a Arise TV. Yace irin yanda matasa suka taso a wajan zanga-zangar SARS babu abinda zai gagaresu samu.
Saidai yace matasan su bi hanyar da doka ta tanada wajan cimma burin nasu. Yace misali zasu iya cewa duk Wanda bai kai shekaru 60 ba ba za’a su zabeshi ba a kasarnan. Ya jajantawa wanda rikice-rikicen da suka biyo bayan zanga-zangar SARS suka shafa.
“Based on what happened, I came to the conclusion that the youths should plan to take their country back from 2023. I’m a democrat and I will not encourage anything that will subvert democracy.
“You voted for some people and you have to see it through. Start planning now for the next election. Don’t let anybody tell you it is too early.
“One powerful signal the youths can send is that they won’t support anybody who today is above the age of 60. If you all unite on that, I bet you, all the ambitious people who are below 60 will be struggling to curry favour from you.
“When you send out that signal forcefully, they will obey you.”
Source: Hutudole
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