Tanzanian miner wins again, sells third precious stone for over N773m
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
Saniniu Kuryan Lazier, a Tanzanian miner, has struck gold after digging a third Tanzanite stone which he sold for a fortune - The miner said that he would use the proceed to help his community, and build schools among other things - News of the third stone became known weeks after he found two stones of the same variety
A Tanzanian miner, Saniniu Kuryan Lazier, has sold a Tanzanite stone for $2million (N773,180,000) weeks after he went viral for mining two gems. How Africa reports that the stone is a blue and violet variety of the mineral zoisite and has only been found in northern Tanzania. The 52-year-old miner and father of over 30 children said that he would use the money from the sale to help his local people.
“With the money we are getting, we will give back to our community. I personally have set up two schools for children with the money I received from mining,” he said. It should be noted that miners like Lazier carry out their activities under the licenses given by the government. However, illegal mining is still a big issue in the country.
Though the lucky miner said he would not change his lifestyle, he said that he would kill one of his cows to celebrate the win. Another thing worthy of note is that the stone is used in things accessories such as earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. Meanwhile,
Legit.ng earlier reported that a man living in Colorado named Joe B struck luck twice in a lottery game in a single day after he played the same for 30 years. He won $1 million (N389,200,000) on both occasions in the Powerball jackpot on Wednesday, March 25, and claimed the winnings on Friday, March 27.
The winning tickets were sold on Lake Avenue in Pueblo at two different stores, a distance of a mile apart from each other, officials confirmed. To win the jackpot, the lucky player bought some tickets in the morning and got a few more in the evening. He hit the main Powerball out of his several numbers.
When he was asked what he would be using his lottery win on, the man said that “the boss has plans for it”. It was gathered that the winners are required to make an appointment to get the prize or do so through the mail.
In other news, a young Nigeria, Faisal Hamman, succeeded in faraway Turkey as he finished with a good GPA of 3.98 out of 4 from the Isik University, making him the best graduating student of his set. The Nigerian worked hard to raise his scholarship to 100% after he won an initial 50%. He studied electrical and electronics engineering. Faisal said that he is very happy with the way he represented the country.
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